Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I was made for sunny days

*I wish I could get that picture bigger but I don't know how. That's me on the very right. This is at the MOCA (museum of contemporary art) in LA. They had a special exhibit called SupraSensorial. It was SO awesome I can't even explain it. I wanted to live there. They had this small building within the building that had clean white walls, floors, and ceilings. You had to wear little booties to keep it clean. There were three areas separated by walls and each had a different neon light; green (the above pictures), then red, then blue. If you looked at the ceiling they mixed and made a rainbow. It was AWESOME.            

*For those of you, most of you, who haven't been to my school it's all white. Every wall is completely white. Someone graffitied it (as seen in picture) and although that's not good I love it. It looks SO cool.
*This past weekend was Missionary Weekend. AKA all the Juniors and Seniors in the stake meet up at the church friday night and get small classes from some missionaries and here from the mission president. Then they all sleep at their leaders houses then meet back up at the church on Saturday. We eat breakfast, and get our "calls". I went to Pasadena and served with Sister Snow and Sister Pack. They were so funny and we had such a good time. We had two lessons planned with recent converts and it was fun to get to add my testimony to theirs. Then we met back at the church around 5, had dinner and a testimony meeting. I really liked it.
*Speaking of missions!! AHH Spencer is holding his call as we I'm so excited for him, slash a little sad. We're opening at 4 our time via skype. I wish I could be there but skype will have to do.
*Friday is The Roads Benefit Concert, aka my friends band. I'm so excited.
*My phone has been broken for a week. I can read other's texts but the touch screen is out so I can't respond. It's torture. Well let my qualify that so you don't all thing I'm obsessed with my cell phone. I actually like that texted most of the time, but it's so frustrating because it seems like now that my phone doesn't work all these random people are texting me. People that I would LOVE to text back cause I haven't talked to them in forever. But alas I can't. And I'm not quite sure when I'm getting a new phone. No one, NO one here has t-mobile so I can't steal someone's old phone as I would do in Utah. Ah well life goes on.
*Oh and all my senior friends (most of my friends) got accepted to BYU and will be leaving me the day after graduation for summer semester. I don't wanna talk about it.
*28 days till italy.  whatup


Kelly said...

SO how about the mission call???? I wish I could have seen your reactions. That missionary week thing sounds awesome. I've never heard of anything like it. I'm going to suggest it to our stake leaders here. We are ramping up for trek. Yep - Connor gets to go on his first and only trek! You'll have to let him know how much you loved it. I think he has reservations about the whole no electronics rule, but he's going. Love you Maddie!

Bountiful Blakes said...
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