Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sweet and Sour

Being in Bountiful was a fresh of breath air. It was so nice to take a break from school and see all of my friends. The football game was SO much fun. The dance was jammin. The temple and visits with LaLa were much needed. BYU game was so intense and fun. Seeing Spencer was so fun. I wanna be like him one day. Seeing friends and Kate was so great.
It was very interesting though because as much as I love Bountiful, and how familiar and natural it feels to be there, it doesn't feel like home anymore. In some ways I feel like I don't belong anymore. I got really nervous going to the football game, school and the dance. I felt like people thought I was just a wannabe brave now. It was so good to see everyone. My good friends, and even the friends from class. It was sad because all though I've only been gone a handful of months, a barrier is starting to form between my bountiful friends and me. There's not much to talk about anymore. I've grown to dislike two questions "What are you doing here?" and "How's California?" I don't like them because most people don't reallly want the answer. In the end I was actually really happy to be back. It's really fun getting to know new people. It's really nice to sleep in your own bed.

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