Well let me start by saying that missions are taking over. I can't even tell you how many mission farewells, call openings and friends working on papers there are (including myself). It's pretty dang exciting. I have friends going to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Bolivia, Florida, Brazil, Texas, Russia, pretty much just everywhere. My plan is to put my availability date for June 1st, so I can turn my papers in during the beginning of February!
Saying goodbye to Jake, he's going to be such a good missionary.
Last "picture" for two years. Love these guys so much.
Cool art gallery.
It's so good to be back up here at BYU. I love love love my friends. I am so grateful to have met them. That's the simplest way to put it, I could go on and on. Maybe another post.
Yes we painted our faces at midnight and ran around campus to take pictures.
Karaoke night, we went crazy.
Classes this semester have already been better. I'm taking a printmaking class that is intense and super fun. It's my first studio arts class that counts for my major so It's exciting. Also my book of mormon class is 100 times better than the one I was in last semester. So far, so good.
Daddy came in town and we went skiing. Long story behind that one but I was grateful to get to spend some time with him. He gets me, just ask my mom haha.