Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life's What you Make it so let's make it Rock

Just got done at the chamber christmas concert. It was excellent. I want to be in chamber sooo badly next year! I talked with the lovely Camille who goes to CV (neighboring high school). She's awesome and we're going to party over the break. THE BREAK! One more day of school. I can hardly stand it! Even though I've been doing a lot of Christmasy things it just hasn't felt like Christmas. I'm hoping it'll be better once school is out. Saturday I'm going to the Zoo with some friends. I'm pretty excited about it.
Lately I've been throwin up the rock on sign a lot. Maybe too much. Whatever I like it.

This post is completely pointless. I'd just like to say I've been really happy lately. There's good friends, some cute boys, good music, lovely family (spencer is home soon!), Christmas, ugly sweaters, advent calendars, candy canes, and Life is good.

P.s. yes the title is a Hannah Montana song. Syd's watching it in the other room and it just fit so don't judge.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I love you, Maddie! Rock on!